Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Little Chef

With Valentine's Day coming up, there are things everywhere you turn in the store for the holiday. Lillian and I took a quick trip to the grocery store the other day to pick up some items for dinner and in a basket in the middle of one aisle was Pillsberry Valentine's Day cake mix and matching icing with sprinkles. Lillian grabbed the box and walked with it all around the store, so I decided that we could have our first mother-daughter baking experience. (I can do sweets...especially in boxes that all you have to do is add a few ingredients.)
So after dinner as Brandon gave Andrew his bath, I got a stool out for Lillian and told her we were going to make cupcakes. I think she was confused as to why we didn't have cupcakes already sitting there when I said that, but when I placed her on the stool and she watched as I dumped the mix into a bowl, she got excited. She stood guard on the bowl as I gathered up the eggs, water, and cooking oil. She really liked watching me crack the eggs and put them in. She did help stir although stirring to her was basically stabbing the spoon into the bowl up and down a thousand times!

After I poured the mix into the cups, Lillian took right to grabbing the spoon and licking all that yummy batter! She loved it!

Afterwards, she enjoyed the first cupcake and didn't waste a single bit. We are sending most of the rest to her class at preschool, but saved a few for ourselves and sent a few to our neighbors.

***NOTE****The title refers to what the Rat is called in of Lillian's favorite movies in case you wondered.


Ashley said...

She is so adorable! The cupcake looks yummy. Cooking is great mother/daughter time.

Crim said...

How sweet! Memories in the making!!
