Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 is Here!

Happy New Year to you all!

Brandon had to work New Year's Eve and got home around 6 pm and then had to be back this morning (New Year's Day) at 7 am, so needless to say, we didn't ring in the new year with a bang. I did wake up at about 12:08 and turn over and say happy new year to him before going back to sleep!

This morning, the kids and I treated today like a normal day. We went to the gym and let me tell you, it was wonderful...not crowded at all. I like to enjoy that before it becomes overcrowded in the weeks to come with what Brandon and I like to call "the Resoluters" that crowd the gym for a month or two at the beginning of the year. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad people are resolving to lose weight and work out, but it sure is a pain to us that go everyday normally.

Brandon will be working until 7 tonight. So he called to apologize earlier since it will be a long day for me and I'll be putting the kids to bed on my own. (He originally was supposed to only work until 5:30.) So one good thing has come of it. We are getting To Go from Olive Garden for dinner, so that I guess will be my special New Year treat.

It is funny how your life changes with kids. My cousin, Ashley, wrote in her blog about a New Years Eve in her past and it got me thinking about that too. I remember 10 years ago last night going to a movie with my sister and some friends and driving back wishing happy New Year out the car window to everyone we saw knowing that it was 1999 and I would be graduating high school in just a couple of months.

The following year, I celebrated the change over to the new millennium in Austin! Brandon and I sat at the state capitol building watching the fireworks over the city. It was so great.

Maybe years down the road when my kids will sleep and tend to themselves in the morning, I too will stay up for the New Year again and have another fun story to tell and remember. We'll see!

May 2009 be a wonderful year for us all! Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Crim said...

I am like you and got to thinking about how life has changed but to tell the truth I wouldn't have it any other way than spending the new year with my kids and husband. (Now getting to sleep in again, that is a different story, HA)
